Course Description for Visitors

This course material is designed exclusively for training purposes. It helps students learn about the West Indian Manatee, including its behaviors, the dangers it faces, how to gain observation experience, and what is expected of Manatee Observers on Government Construction Projects. Additionally, the course covers necessary permit requirements. Although this course provides valuable knowledge, it does not replace the hands-on experience required to become a Manatee Observer.

Why This Course Matters

The West Indian Manatee Observer course meets current regulations and environmental requirements that are essential for becoming a qualified Manatee Observer. Importantly, the West Indian manatee is among the most endangered marine mammals in U.S. coastal waters. Additionally, this course addresses the specific needs and challenges related to observing and protecting these endangered animals. Consequently, it provides comprehensive training to ensure you understand and comply with all necessary guidelines and practices.Moreover, the course highlights the distinct subspecies known as the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), which is divided into two somewhat isolated subpopulations—one along the Atlantic coast and another on the Florida Gulf of Mexico coast.

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Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • 4 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate

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