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MODULE 13: Marine Signals Copy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”12079″ img_size=”full”][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Crew Members” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left”]Each crewmember shall be given a written description of, and shall become familiar with, his/her emergency duties and shall become familiar with the vessel’s emergency signals.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Requirements and Placement” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left”]Signal devices shall be provided on all vessels to give signals required by the navigation rules applicable to the waters on which the vessel is operated.

A sufficient number of signaling devices shall be placed on each deck so that they can be distinctly heard/seen above the normal background noise at any point on the deck.

All signaling devices shall be so interconnected that actuation can occur from at least one strategic point on each deck.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Personal Flotation Devices (PFD)” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left”]Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s) must be worn by personnel in areas where deck perimeter protection is not present. Such areas may be used by crew to transit or access areas of the boat

Areas where railings are removed shall be blocked off from access by a suitable barrier, or shall be clearly marked as PFD- required areas by signage, deck markings, or other means[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Submerged Pipeline” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left”]Submerged pipelines shall be marked in accordance with local USCG requirements and as approved by the GDA.

Unless otherwise specified by the USCG, submerged pipelines are considered to require special marks and shall have a USCG-approved flashing yellow light.

Indicators, such as signs or buoys that state “DANGER SUBMERGED PIPELINE” will be placed at the beginning and end of the pipeline. In addition, indicators are required in areas which reduce the charted depth by more than 10%, and, as a minimum, every 1000 ft (304.8 m) to clearly warn of the pipeline length and course.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Pipeline” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left”]If barges or other vessels are used to anchor the beginning and/or end of the submerged pipeline, they shall be lighted in accordance with 33 CFR 88.13.

Within a navigation channel, each end of the pipeline shall be identified with a regulatory marker buoy.

Lengths of submerged pipeline located outside of the navigation channel, which reduce the charted depth by more than 10 percent, will be identified with high visibility buoys marked with 360-degree visibility retro-reflective tape, such as orange neoprene buoys, placed at an interval not to exceed 500 ft (152.4 m) to clearly show the pipeline length and course.

Pipelines shall be marked with the owner’s name for positive identification in the event of loss (adrift) or damage to vessels operating in the area.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Hand Signals” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””]Standard hand signals shall be posted at the operator’s position, signal control points and other points as necessary to inform those concerned.

Manual (hand) signals may be used when the distance between the operator and signal person is not more than 100 ft (30.5 m). Radio, telephone, or a visual and audible electrically-operated system shall be used when the distance between operator and signal person is more than 100 ft or when they cannot see each other.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Signal and Flag Persons” heading_tag=”h3″ alignment=”left”]A signal person shall be provided when the point of operation (includes area of load travel and area immediately surrounding the load placement) is not in full view of the vehicle, machine, or equipment operator; when vehicles are backed more than 100 ft (30.5 m); when terrain is hazardous; or when two or more vehicles are backing up in the same area.

A flag person or other controls shall be provided when operations or equipment on or next to a highway create a traffic hazard. An exception shall be made only when an adequate mechanical signaling, or control device is provided for safe direction of the operation.

Where manual (hand) signals are used, only one person shall be designated to give signals to the operator. This signal person shall be located to see the load and be clearly visible to the operator at all times.

Flag signaling shall be accomplished by use of red flags at least 18 in (45.7 cm) square or sign paddles. In periods of darkness, red lights shall be used.

High visibility apparel shall be worn by flag and signal persons.

Signal systems shall be protected against unauthorized use, breakage, weather, or interference; any malfunction shall be a cause to stop all work.

Only persons who are competent and qualified by experience and/or training with the operations being directed shall be used as signal persons.

Signal persons shall back one vehicle at a time. While under control of a signal person, the driver shall not back or maneuver until directed, and the driver shall stop when visual contact with the signal person is lost.

The signal person shall have a warning device of clear range and penetrating sound to warn persons when the load is coming in, so they have time to get in the clear.[/ultimate_heading][vc_empty_space][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”3″][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Module 13 Quiz” margin_design_tab_text=””]Time for the next quiz. Click on the link below to begin. A score of 70% or higher is required to pass. Once you are done, you will be taken to the next module. Good luck with the quiz and we’ll see you over in the final module. Module 14.[/ultimate_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row]