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Module 6: Barge and hopper overflow Copy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”898″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]Overflow involves the intentional loading of sediment-laden water beyond the capacity of the barge or hopper in an effort to increase the effective solids content within the vessel. The theory is that, given time, heavier sediment particles will settle out within the barge or hopper, and relatively low-solids water can be displaced by additional material. In the case of barges, the material simply flows over the gunnel. In hopper dredges, multiple inflow pipes and hopper compartments and baffles act to reduce the flow rate of water and sediments after they enter the vessel, thereby enhancing settling. Overflow from hopper dredges comes from a point farthest from the inflow after most of the heavier sediment particles have settled out.

Overflow events can increase suspended sediment levels throughout the water column. Hopper dredge operations with overflow can increase levels both at the surface and the bottom. Turbidity plumes can extend from the dredge by as much as a few hundred meters at the surface and a few thousand meters along the bottom.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]