OSHA’s Heat Stress Safety Enhancements to Heat Related Illness, September 2021

OSHA Enhances Heat Stress Safety Regulations
On September 20, 2021, OSHA announced new enhancements to heat stress safety regulations. These updates aim to address heat-related illnesses and improve protection for workers in hot environments.
Introduction of New Heat Stress Initiatives
OSHA highlights that “while heat illness is largely preventable and often under-reported, thousands of workers suffer each year due to workplace heat exposure.” To combat this issue, OSHA is launching a heat stress safety enforcement initiative. This initiative includes developing a National Emphasis Program for heat inspections and starting a rulemaking process to create a comprehensive workplace heat standard. Consequently, this initiative focuses on identifying and mitigating heat-related hazards.
Formation of the Advisory Committee
Additionally, OSHA will form the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health Heat Injury and Illness Prevention. This committee will gather crucial information on heat stress challenges and provide insights into best practices for worker protection. By doing so, it aims to enhance overall safety standards.
Implementation of Intervention and Enforcement Measures
Recently, OSHA introduced an “intervention and enforcement initiative” to prevent heat-related illnesses and fatalities. Specifically, this initiative prioritizes inspections and interventions on days when the heat index exceeds 80 degrees. Therefore, it ensures that protective measures are in place during the hottest periods.
SSHO Responsibilities for Government Projects
The new regulations apply to both indoor and outdoor worksites across various industries, including construction. As a result, Site Safety and Health Officers (SSHO) and Project Superintendents must be aware of and adapt to these new requirements. For this reason, understanding and implementing these changes is crucial.
Conducting Effective Toolbox Talks on Heat Stress
OSHA has provided a downloadable pamphlet to aid in conducting meetings on heat stress safety. You can access the pamphlet [here]. Remember to use a sign-in sheet to track attendance at these meetings.
Implementation of Heat Stress Safety Inspections
OSHA will now prioritize inspections related to heat stress complaints and employer-reported illnesses. In addition, SSHOs are instructed to conduct interventions by distributing OSHA’s heat stress posters and wallet cards. They should also include heat stress topics in meetings or toolbox talks. Moreover, ensuring easy access to cool water and inspecting processes during strenuous work in hot conditions are essential responsibilities.
Furthermore, OSHA will expand inspections to address heat-related hazards when worksite conditions or other evidence indicate their presence. In October 2021, OSHA plans to issue an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on heat injury and illness prevention. Following this, a comment period will allow for feedback on various aspects such as heat stress thresholds and exposure monitoring.
Preparing for Upcoming Regulatory Changes
Although the new rules have not yet been enforced, they will soon be implemented. Government construction projects will need to adapt to these regulations. Consequently, updates may be required for the USACE/NAFFAC Accident Prevention Plan and Activity Hazard Analyses (AHAs) to address working in hot conditions effectively.