An Overview of Gas-Insulation Substations


Ensure you meet the Florida Professional Development Hours requirements by enrolling in the Overview of Gas-Insulated Substations course.



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Enroll in Titan University’s Overview of Gas-Insulation Substations Course to meet the PDH requirements set by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers. This course covers the fundamentals, including the benefits and drawbacks of GIS installations. It is a necessity for currently practicing electrical engineers.

Accredited and Approved for High Standards

Approved by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers and accredited by IACET, Titan University’s course meets high standards of quality. Thus, this accreditation ensures a comprehensive and valuable learning experience.

Enhance Your Professional Credibility

Enroll in Titan University’s Gas-Insulated Substations Course to enhance your knowledge, skills, and credibility as an electrical engineer. Don’t wait to meet your continuing education requirements. Instead, enroll in this course today and advance your career.

Comprehensive Coverage of Gas-Insulated Substations

Our Gas-Insulated Substations course covers topics such as cost comparisons of GIS vs AIS, SF6 as an exceptional dielectric gas, toxic gases produced from SF6, contaminants in SF6, GIS system enclosure modules, as well as conductors, circuit breakers, transformers, switches, arrest devices, and connections used in GIS systems. Additionally, it includes information on the GIS control system, gas monitoring and leak detection, density and pressure alarms, testing and installation, inspections, replacing faulty GIS systems, plus more.

Essential Overview of Titan University’s Gas-Insulated Substations Course

  • Stay updated on the latest information on GIS systems to fulfill continuing education requirements for Florida engineers.
  • Course Content: Covers the benefits and drawbacks of using a GIS system, components of a GIS system, as well as its installation and maintenance.
  • Accreditation: Approved by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers; accredited by IACET for high quality and standards.
  • Boost Your Credibility: Enhances knowledge and skills as a Florida engineer; meets continuing education requirements.
  • Key Topics Covered: Economics of GIS systems, SF6 gas, components of a GIS system, installation, maintenance, and safety procedures.
